

#TBT Throwback Thursday - WA Ballet Centre, Maylands

Carabiner sees heritage as an opportunity, rather than a restriction, to preserve our history, strengthen and maintain a sense of place, and tell a story about a site’s history while adapting and enhancing the functionality of the heritage fabric.  

Previously WA Institute for the Blind, the site (originally dating to 1897) presented a range of both architectural challenges and opportunities in creating a fully compliant, universally accessible building, fit for providing a unique training space for WA’s ballet talent.

Carabiner were engaged to repurpose the site, including elevating the foundations, repairing the timber floor and installing a sprung floor system, creating acoustic balance for performance and training areas, and adapting the layout to provide studios, wardrobe production space, reception and administrative functionality. This sensitive approach to the site’s heritage garnering Carabiner a Western Australian Heritage Award for Adaptive Reuse.  

Ten years on after delivery, WA Ballet Centre in Maylands WA continues to go from strength to strength, with the 2023 ballet season in full swing.  

We welcome the opportunity to work with you to develop inspiring heritage spaces within WA’s public buildings.

WA Ballet Centre