

Enduring Projects - Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre

Enduring Projects | 14 Years on: Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre (MRCCC), Jakarta Indonesia
Designed and Documented by Carabiner

Carabiner (then Sandover Pinder) designed and documented the 31-storey, $180M AU (estimated), Comprehensive Cancer Centre and specialist hospital for Siloam Hospital Group in Jakarta in 2010.

The project was Indonesia's first private oncology wellness centre.

In 2024, the MRCCC continues to offer hope and innovation, in February introducing two new service divisions: Gastrointestinal Cancer Center (GCC) and the Gynaecologic Oncology Center (GOC), plus additional new technology for supporting diagnosis and treatment of Indonesia’s Cancer Patients.

"MRCCC continues to expand and by 2023 has served more than 30,000 cancer patients, more than 30,000 radiotherapies, more than 10,000 chemotherapies, more than 6,000 PET-CT scanning procedures..” Dr. Adityawati Ganggaiswari, M.Biomed, MARS, Director of MRCCC.

The Centre’s design was based on Australasian Health Facility Guidelines and set new standards in Indonesian health care. Carabiner provided detailed design development throughout the interior of the building, including all of the detailed layouts for health equipment. The project included consultation with DP Architects, Singapore (building envelope to align with Carabiner’s design) and PT Angarra Architeam, Jakarta (construction documentation based on Carabiner’s detailed design.)

This successful project was followed up by Department of Health WA appointing Carabiner as architects for the South West Radiation Oncology Centre located at Bunbury Hospital, and further engagement with Siloam Hospital Group to complete a series of master plans for other similar sized facilities.

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